Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW

Wedding photographer Ruhr area and NRW wedding photos

Wedding photographer in Ruhr area with heart

I grew up in the Ruhr. A child of the Ruhr area. As a wedding photographer Ruhr area now for you with my camera in action. I love and live the Ruhr area. The people from the Pott are close to my heart. Open, honest, direct and without make-up. Unpretentious and no leaf before the mouth. The curry sausage is eaten here without gold dust, the sparkling drink is called Pils and even if the "Ruhrschnellweg" sometimes becomes the "Ruhrschleichweg", in the "Pott" - Germany's largest conurbation with its 5.1 million people - there is no hurry. Here in the Ruhrpott, people live unconstrained, fun-loving lives with a lot of feeling and their hearts on their tongues.

In the beautiful coal pot I accompany your wonderful wedding with passion, with emotional, real and authentic pictures. As a wedding photographer from the Ruhr area, I create a wedding reportage with honest photos: sometimes loud, sometimes quiet, sometimes soulful and emotional, always loving and wonderful. Just like your wonderful wedding day, with many facets, good-humored, happy and honest.

Beautiful bride in wedding dress by Joana Bridal, a beautiful photo subject photographed in front of imposing scenery
Beautiful bride in wedding dress by Joana Bridal, a beautiful photo subject photographed in front of imposing scenery

Request wedding photographer

Wedding reportage from photographer in Ruhr area

Whether a free wedding ceremony or a church wedding, the beautiful Ruhr area has so much to offer! Here are so many wonderful places for great wedding celebrations and beautiful photos. The photographs will be a celebration for the bride and groom, for the wedding guests and for me as a wedding photographer Ruhr area.

Are you into industrial charm?
The Pott offers great and unique photo backdrops. Fantastic industrial culture and urban photo motifs such as LaPaDu / Landschaftspark Duisburg, Halde Hoheward and Zeche Ewald in Herten, Phoenix-West in Dortmund and Zeche Zollverein in Essen.

You like it urban?
In fact, here in the Ruhrpott you can also get married in a historic streetcar and also in some excellent subway stations offer themselves here as an unusual photo backdrop for great wedding photos. Or wedding photos anne Bude, or in the drinking hall with bulging mixed bag for the bride - with hearts, Bömsken and Klümchen.

You are into mining tradition?
In the Ruhr area there are some wacky locations for great wedding photos underground. Get married in a mining tunnel, including a mining atmosphere in the Ruhrpott. "Good luck!"

You like it romantic and enchanted?
As a wedding photographer in the Ruhr area with a romantic vein, I know many beautiful locations for a get-to-know-you shoot, engagement shoot or couple shoot in the run-up to your wedding. Also if you are interested in a bridal couple shooting as an after wedding shooting, I know some beautiful romantic places, old castles, fortresses, castle ruins in the beautiful nature near the Ruhr. And even in the allotment garden with its typical rose arch you can celebrate a stylish Ruhr wedding.

Glad you are here! Wedding photography with heart
Glad you are here! Wedding photography with heart

Wedding reportage in Ruhrrevier & NRW

As a wedding photographer in the Ruhr area, I accompany you as a bride and groom from the heart with pleasure of course not only in the Ruhr area and NRW. For a wedding in another region or as a photographer for the great time in the honeymoon you can ask me. I love to travel.
Also before the wedding I am available to you as a photographer, for example at a hen party photo shoot in the Ruhr area and NRW.

Heartfelt gift: Just married
Heartfelt gift: Just married
Beautiful bride in a gorgeous wedding dress from Joana Bridal
Beautiful bride in a gorgeous wedding dress from Joana Bridal
As a wedding photographer I also accompany the church wedding ceremony
As a wedding photographer I also accompany the church wedding ceremony
Wedding photographer with heart in Ruhr area
Wedding photographer with heart in Ruhr area
LOVE IS SWEET also finds the wedding photographer
LOVE IS SWEET also finds the wedding photographer
For dessert sweet hearts
For dessert sweet hearts

Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW
Wedding photographer Ruhr area wedding photos throughout NRW

Request wedding photographer

I look forward to hearing from you, feel free to write me. I am very excited to see the wonderful wedding photos from you! I will capture your unique and precious moments for you as lifelong memories with my camera. "Good luck!"

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YES, I want! The groom is still hesitating...
YES, I want! The groom is still hesitating...

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